Monday, October 25, 2010


For the Upcycling project I have to chosen to create the ‘Curve’ Bowl by reusing and transforming two materials. The first material I have selected to reuse is fruit net that is commonly found at supermarkets and is also used to protect trees from wildlife. This netting is extremely hazardous towards the surrounding animals when on trees and when it is disposed of as many are caught, injured and even strangled. As it has become such a danger to the wildlife in Australia I feel that utilising the material into creating a product is a step in the right direction in preventing the unfortunate injuries of animals.
The other material I have selected is perforated aluminium that is used in many various situations such as walkway systems, vent ducts, industrial scraps, fencing and screen doors. Often after use these materials are in poor condition and are needed to be discarded or recycled, however there are a lot of steps in human and machine energy to recover aluminium as a recycled material. Aluminium uses up a lot of energy to produce, recycled and is not a biodegradable material, so instead of recycling and using up energy my product will utilise the features of the product and increase the value of the end of life material.

I have creatively repurposed each material by combining the perforated aluminium and fruit netting and turning it into a multipurpose serving bowl. Curve contains high levels of innovation and elegance, as it is uniquely formed as opposed to entirely function-concerned bowls. The fruit netting holds what is placed within the bowl and the perforated aluminium has become the frame of the bowl supporting the structure.

The bowl is not just practical but also aesthetically pleasing. The aligned streamlined curved shaped of the perforated aluminium contrasts against the netting, which is hanging in its own form. Both materials contain negative space adding another layer to the aesthetic look of the product. My bowl is specifically designed in an inventive way to be on display and not hidden away in cupboards. The owner would be proud to have my product out on display showing it off to their guests. ‘Curve’ clearly displays and highlights that recycled material has the ability to be transformed from off cuts, scraps and discards into a product of greater-value and quality.


  1. I like that you didnt just make another fruit bowl and put more thought into the purpose of your product. You have transformed materials that i would usually consider quite ugly into something beautiful well done :)

  2. I love how this has turned out. I agree with andrea you didnt just make another fruit bowl - it is different. I love the contrast is colour and feel of the metal and the fruit netting, it makes the product really stand out.

  3. You are a super cool girl. Perfect for any household, especially for those who enjoy sweet options. Great to see how you've evolved with your concept. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations next year! Have a good holiday!

  4. you ARE a super cool girl! i really like your design, i think you have upcycled the materials well and given them another appropriate use! i think you have done a great quality job good work :D

  5. I love the form work, looks like a lot of development went into this project. I think proportions have been well thought out, your material really suits your intended use. You have shown sophistication through the manipulation of your material

  6. This is such a beautiful and elegant design. You have obviously thought hard about the material and form which is why it is such a pleasing product. I love the simplicity in the design and the appropriate manipulation of your upcycled material to create your final product. Really well done.
